
Nmon – linux monitoring tools

nmon monitoring tool

nmon monitoring tool

nmon is a beutiful tool to monitor linux system performance. It works on Linux, IBM AIX Unix, Power, x86, amd64 and ARM based system such as Raspberry Pi. The nmon command displays and records local system information. The command can run either in interactive or recording mode.
Nmon is a short for Nigel’s performance Monitor. This tool is used to monitor resources on Linux, Power, x86, x86_64, Mainframe and ARM (Raspberry Pi). There are two mode available of nmon.

1. Online Mode, which used to real-time monitoring.
2. Capture Mode, which the output will saved to a CSV file for later processing


  1. In Online Mode it uses curses for efficient screen handling, which updates the terminal frequently for real-time monitoring.
  2. In Capture Mode, the data is saved to a file in CSV format for later processing and graphing. The file also includes important configuration details that are useful for recommending tuning.

More information about nmon

Install nmon on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04/13.10/14.04 and Linux Mint 13/14/15/16

To install nmon on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04/13.10/14.04 and Linux Mint 12/13/14/15/16 enter following command:

# sudo apt-get install nmon

Install nmon on RHEL/CentOS 5.x/6.x and Fedora 16/17/18/19/20

First, install rpm forge repository and enter folloving command:

# yum install nmon

How do I use nmon?

Simply type the following command:

# nmon
nmon startup screen

nmon keyboard shortcuts

Check CPU by processor

If you like to collect CPU performance statistics press “c” key on your keyboard. After hitting the “c”  see example screen:

nmon CPU Utilisation

If you see information of another system resources press another keys:

Show Memory stats

Use the ‘m‘ key to get Memory Stats information:

nmon memory stats

Check Disk I/O stats

To see Disk I/O information press “d” key on your keyboard

nmon disk I/O

Check Network statistics

To see network statistics press “n” key on your keyboard

nmon Network I/O

Nmon System information

Use the ‘r‘ key to show System information:

Nmon System information

If you are having any suggestion, let me know via our comment section.

See also: Collectl – Monitoring system resources

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