Guide to Installing, Configuring, and Managing Asterisk VoIP Server on Linux


In this comprehensive guide, we will provide a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to install, configure, and manage an Asterisk VoIP server on a Linux system. Additionally, we will cover the process of adding new users and connecting clients to the server. Furthermore, we will include instructions for installing a web panel for SIP server administration, which offers enhanced control and management capabilities.

1. Installing Asterisk VoIP Server

Update the Linux system

sudo apt update

Install necessary dependencies

sudo apt install build-essential wget libssl-dev libncurses5-dev libnewt-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev uuid-dev

Download Asterisk source code


Extract the downloaded file

tar xvfz asterisk-18-current.tar.gz

Enter the extracted directory

cd asterisk-18.*

Configure Asterisk


Build and install Asterisk

sudo make install


Configuring Asterisk VoIP Server

Navigate to the Asterisk configuration directory

cd /etc/asterisk

Edit the main Asterisk configuration file

sudo nano asterisk.conf

Configure the necessary settings

Adding New Users to Asterisk VoIP Server

Open the Asterisk configuration file for SIP

sudo nano /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

Add a new user


Save and exit the file

Connecting Clients to Asterisk VoIP Server

To connect clients to your Asterisk server, follow these steps:
Install a SIP client application on the client device (e.g., Zoiper, Linphone, X-Lite).
Open the SIP client and navigate to the account settings.
Enter the following details:
– Username: The username you created in the Asterisk configuration file.
– Password: The password you set for the user.
– SIP Server/Proxy: The IP address or hostname of your Asterisk server.
– SIP Port: The default SIP port is usually 5060.
Save the settings and initiate a connection.
The SIP client should now be registered with your Asterisk server.

Installing Web Panel for SIP Server Administration

Download and install the web panel package:

tar xvfz asterisk-web-panel.tar.gz
cd asterisk-web-panel*
sudo ./

Access the web panel
Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of your server, followed by the appropriate port (e.g., http://server_ip:8080). You will be presented with the login page for the web panel.
Log in and configure the web panel:
Enter the default username and password to log in to the web panel. Once logged in, you can configure various settings, manage users, monitor call activity, and perform other administrative tasks.


By following this comprehensive guide, you have successfully installed, configured, and managed your Asterisk VoIP server on a Linux system. You have also learned how to add new users and connect clients to the server. Furthermore, you have gained knowledge on installing a web panel for SIP server administration, allowing for advanced control and management capabilities. Enjoy the power and flexibility of Asterisk in building your robust communication infrastructure.

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