
How to install Kloxo-Mr on CentOS 6.x

Kloxo-MR is free and open source hosting control panel. To install Kloxo-MR you need to have Redhat/CentOS 5 or 6 (32bit or 64bit) installed on your Linux VPS. For this tutorial we are using CentOS 6.7 64bit Linux.


It comes with with lots of Server/web applications.
MAIL SERVER: Qmail toaster.
Database: Mysql, MariaDB.
Database Manager: PHPMYAdmin, Adminer, Mywebsql.
DNS: BIND, djbdns.
FTP: Pure-ftpd.
ADDON: Clamav, Spamassassin,RKhunter.
WEBMAIL: Squirrelmail, Roundcube, horald.
BILLING: Host Bill, the hosting bill, Blesta, AccountLAB Plus.

Install Kloxo-MR on CentOS 6.7 64 bit

First, let’s update all your system software to the latest version available using the yum package manager.

# yum update

Once the update of your system is completed, you can proceed with the installation of the required packages. The required packages can be installed with the command below:

# yum install yum-utils yum-priorities vim-minimal subversion curl zip unzip yum install yum-utils yum-priorities vim-minimal subversion curl zip unzip -y

Now, lets install Kloxo-MR

# cd /tmp
# wget --no-check-certificate
# yum install mratwork-release-0.0.1-1.noarch.rpm -y
# cd / 
# yum install mratwork-release-0.0.1-1.noarch.rpm -y
Install Kloxo-MR web panel

Run following script after above step get complete
# sh /script/upcp

Once the installation is completed, you can open the web browser you prefer and enter one of the following web addresses:


Default username and password is: admin admin

Kloxo-MR 7 login page

After Login default panel will appear.

Kloxo-MR control panel

That’s all for now have fun!!

See also: How to install Kloxo-MR7 in CentOS 7 

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